
Dates belong to the palm family. They can reach a height of approximately 20 metres. Its leaves measure up to 5 metres long. They have spines on the petiole and grow in a fan shape. They have more or less 150 folioles that are 30 cm long and 2 cm wide. Only the female trees can produce fruit. Date palms can tolerate period of dry weather and heat. A hot climate is important to produce high quality dates.

Latin name

Phoenix dactylifera L.


The origin of the date palm is unknown because it has been widely disseminated since very early in human history. In all likelihood, it first appeared in the region of Iraq.

Used part

The fruit.

Active components

Sugars: dates are rich in natural sugars Fibre (pectin): these components contribute to intestinal transit by acting as a binding agent.


Dates can be eaten fresh or dried, for example as a healthy and nutritious snack. The leaves and the terminal bud can be eaten cooked. The sap can be used to prepare drinks or syrups. The kernels provide an oil that can be used to prepare cosmetic products and soap. The date palm tree supplies wood for construction. The fruit contains fibre and is nutritious.