
Erysimum (also known as sisymbrium or hedge mustard) is an annual, herbaceous plant reaching a height of 30 to 80 cm. Its hairy stem has branches that run almost perpendicular to the main stem. Its leaves are split into unequal lobes. Its flowers are pale yellow, very small and its fruits are siliquae that are compacted parallel to the stem.

Latin name

Erysimum officinalis L.


South of France.

Used part

The aerial part.

Active components

Glucosinolates: have an antimicrobial, relaxing and protective action on the vocal chords.

Vitamin C: antioxidant. Mucilages: have a soothing effect.

Tannins: have an astringent and antiseptic effect.

Flavonoids: antioxidant.


Erysimum has often been considered a weed. However, the term “officinalis” indicates that this plant is recognised for its medicinal properties. In traditional medicine, Erysimum has been used in an infusion to combat inflammation in the vocal chords, which is how it received its popular name “Chantor’s herb”. It is still used in cough medicines and throat pastilles. Few people know the culinary use of this plant. The leaves have a bitter, spicy flavour, a little like cress. They can be eaten raw in a salad, or cooked. The seeds can be used to make a sort of mustard. Dried and crushed, the young leaves, flower tops and seeds beautifully enhance the flavour of a dish when used as a spice. Currently, science confirms the health benefits of this plant. It can soothe tingling in the throat can be used to relieve temporary hoarseness and to ease breathing.